Editing animation clips

Use an Animation Clip to combine Animation Data resources into more complex animations. You can reuse the same Animation Data resources in different Animation Clip items. Use an Animation Child Clip to create hierarchical animations.

To edit an animation clip or animation data items, in the Library > Animations > Animation Clips double-click the animation clip or animation data item you want to edit. Animation Clip Editor opens.

Animation clip editor toolbar

Tool Description Shortcut key

Pan the animation canvas by clicking and dragging the canvas.
You can zoom using the mouse wheel or by pressing the middle mouse button. To zoom either x or y axis, click and drag the right mouse button.

Right mouse button

Select and move the animation channels and keyframes.
You can select multiple timeline entries. Selected items are grey shown in the Properties.


Scale more than one selected keyframe:

  • Left mouse button scales the selected keyframes along x and y axes.
  • Right mouse button scales the selected keyframes along the x axis.
  • Middle mouse button scales the selected keyframes along the y axis.
Add keyframes after selecting at least one animation channel. I
Linear interpolation creates a linear transition between keyframe values. See Changing the interpolation mode between keyframes.  
Step interpolation keeps the value of the current keyframe right until the next keyframe when its value is instantly taken into use. See Changing the interpolation mode between keyframes.  
Bezier interpolation interpolates the values between keyframes using the Bezier polynomial. See Changing the interpolation mode between keyframes.  
Toggle snap for animation canvas. When snapping is on, the cursor moves only to the points on the grid you can configure in Edit > User Preferences > Animation Editing tab. Snapping grid is different from the grid in the animation canvas.  
Scale the animation canvas so that all keyframes are visible.  
Set the animation clip start and end times to the first and last keyframes in the animation clip editor.  

Copying and pasting animation items

When copying an item, the default paste performs a deep copy: all the items under the copied item are duplicated.

Items in Animations can have the same children under many parents. To copy these items you can use:

Removing animation items from their parents

When you want to remove an item from one parent (for example, Animation Data from an Animation Clip), but want to keep it under the other parents, right-click the item you want to remove and select Remove from Parent.
Kanzi Studio removes the reference, but preserves the item in question in its library.

Keyframe output values

The output value of a keyframe is usually a constant. However, you can make keyframes dynamic, so that the value is determined at runtime using the Keyframe Value Source setting in the animation clip editor.

Set the Keyframe Value Source property for keyframes to:

See also

Tutorial: Create keyframe animations

Creating keyframe animations

Creating animations and timelines using the Kanzi Engine API

Changing the interpolation mode between keyframes

Editing timeline sequences
